Đinh Thị Phương Hòa



Since 2015, the number of neonatal deaths in the World declined from 2.7 million to 2.4 million in 2020. However, the decline in neonatal mortality is slow and now accounts for 44% of all deaths among children younger than 5 years old. Reducing neonatal mortality, thereforewas put in the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), to end preventable newborn deaths by the year 2030.
Viet Nam is similar as other low- and middle-income countries, neonatal mortality have fallen in recent years but still lag behind the impressive gains made for child mortality. The main obstacles in improving neonatal heath are disparities between areas; quality of care is not meeting the requirements and the neonatal health programs do not reach to those who need it the most. Reducing neonatal mortality has been recognized and the country is trying to take more progress in action.
Evidence – based interventions and approaches that prevent newborn deaths including care mothers during pregnancy; around delivery and postnatal care. The most greatest impact on ending preventable neonatal deaths include: care during labour, childbirth and the fi rst week of life; and care for the small and sick newborn. Improve coverage and quality of carewithin the continuum of care,
ensure equitable care to every woman and newborn baby including universal fi nancial protection. No country can success in reducing neonatal mortality without this investment.



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