Cong Khanh Nguyen1, Hoang Nam Nguyen2
1 Hội Nhi Khoa Việt Nam
2 Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương


Tóm tắt

Preventive pediatrics is defned as the prevention of disease and promoting health. Any child’s health reflect the interaction of various factors including the individual’s genetic endowment, nutrition, environmental factors, familial care, school education, social, politic and economic circumstances, and availability of health care. There are 3 levels of prevention. The aims of primary level are promoting health and preventing occurrence of disease. The aims of secondary level are preventing recurrence and reducing consequences of disease. The aims of tertiary level are reducing progress and limiting impairment of disease. Preventive pediatrics has been broadly classifed as antenatal and postnatal prevention. Preventive pediatrics should be early intervention by specifc means depend of physiological and pathological features of child developmental periods.


Tài liệu tham khảo

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