Thi Dung Trinh1, Thien Hai Do1, Thi Bich Ho1, Thi Ngoc Tran1, Le Chinh Nguyen1, Thi Lien Tinh Phung1, Thanh Dong Nguyen1, Xuan Binh Vuong1, Thi Bao Ngoc Nguyen1, Thi Thu Hang Nguyen1, Thi Kim Duyen Le1
1 Vietnam National Children’s Hospital



Research object and method: The study was conducted on 222 HIV-infected adolescents in the Outpatient Clinic - Center for Tropical Diseases - Vietnam National Children’s Hospital in 2022-2023 by cross-sectional descriptive research method.

Target: (1) Describe characteristics of HIV-infected adolescents in the Outpatient Department - Center for Tropical Diseases - Vietnam National Children’s Hospital in 2022-2023. (2) Reslts of compliance with ARV treatment of adolescents with HIV at the outpatient clinic of the National children’s Hospital in 2022-2023.

Result: Characteristics of HIV-infected adolescents: Children aged 17-18 years old account for 22.5%, male/female ratio is 1/1,5, children live with their father and mother Is 77,5%, Children with an education level equivalent to their age are 88.2%, Children with treatment time > 10 years are 60.8%, frst-line treatment regimen is 87.4%, children have completely revealed their infection status is 60.4%, 1.5% of children are diagnosed. revealed at age >=17 years old, 88.2% of children did not disclose their HIV status to others, 14% of children had mental abnormalities, 32% of children did not attend HIV counseling classes, only 4.5% of children know how to prevent exposure to HIV, stigma is 10.4%, and the need for referral is 17.1%. Outcomes on adherence to ART Viral load below the detection threshold (less than 20 copies/ml) is 90.1%, immune status is 88.3% normal or slightly impaired, overall treatment compliance rate is 84.2 %.

Conclude: The rate of adherence to ARV treatment among HIV-infected adolescents at the outpatient clinic - National Children’s Hospital is still not high



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