Research object and method: The study was conducted on 222 HIV-infected adolescents in the Outpatient Clinic - Center for Tropical Diseases - Vietnam National Children’s Hospital in 2022-2023 by cross-sectional descriptive research method.
Target: (1) Describe characteristics of HIV-infected adolescents in the Outpatient Department - Center for Tropical Diseases - Vietnam National Children’s Hospital in 2022-2023. (2) Reslts of compliance with ARV treatment of adolescents with HIV at the outpatient clinic of the National children’s Hospital in 2022-2023.
Result: Characteristics of HIV-infected adolescents: Children aged 17-18 years old account for 22.5%, male/female ratio is 1/1,5, children live with their father and mother Is 77,5%, Children with an education level equivalent to their age are 88.2%, Children with treatment time > 10 years are 60.8%, frst-line treatment regimen is 87.4%, children have completely revealed their infection status is 60.4%, 1.5% of children are diagnosed. revealed at age >=17 years old, 88.2% of children did not disclose their HIV status to others, 14% of children had mental abnormalities, 32% of children did not attend HIV counseling classes, only 4.5% of children know how to prevent exposure to HIV, stigma is 10.4%, and the need for referral is 17.1%. Outcomes on adherence to ART Viral load below the detection threshold (less than 20 copies/ml) is 90.1%, immune status is 88.3% normal or slightly impaired, overall treatment compliance rate is 84.2 %.
Conclude: The rate of adherence to ARV treatment among HIV-infected adolescents at the outpatient clinic - National Children’s Hospital is still not high
Human immunodefciency virus, adolescents, treatment adherence
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