Thị Hải Bùi, Văn Thắng Phạm



Objectives: To study the aetiology, epidemiological characteristics and clinical profile of coma in children at the Pediatric intensive care unit of the National Hospital of Pediatrics. This study describes 138 patients in coma state at the National Hospital of Pediatrics between August 2019 and July 2020. Results The most common age group is under 5 years old, the ratio male/female is 1.88/1. The common causes of coma are metabolic diseases (28.9%), central nervous infections (21.7%), brain hypoxia (22.5%), poisoning, stroke, epilepsy, while 2.9% were in a coma of unknown cause. Common symptoms are fever, convulsions, increase/decrease in muscle tone, change in pupils, organ failure, hyperglycemia, electrolyte disturbance. Among metabolic diseases in children under 1 year old, the most common symptom is hypotonia while family history is an important factor in disease orientation. CNS infections group often experienced symptoms such as fever, seizures, meningeal signs. Poison exposure history is exploited in the majority of poisoning patients. Conclusion: Common causes are metabolic diseases, CNS infections, brain hypoxia, based on clinical signs can initially orient the causes.



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