Currenct Emergency morbidity patterns of neonatal in hospital levels of HOA BINH province

Thị Khánh Dung Khu



Aims: To understand Morbidity patterns of neonatal emergency in Province hospital levels of Hoa binh province. Subjects and methods: Data collection of all neonatal medical records from January 1st to December 31st 2018, including: neonatal admissions with emergency situation. Results: Morbidity patterns of neonatal emergency in Procince hospital showed RDS (58.8%), infection 26.8% Jaundice 6.7%. Morbidity patterns of neonatal emergency in District hospitals showed that the similar in Province pospital however the proportion of the infection lower, only 5.3%, if including pneumonia in infection it showed 10%. 77.2% were stabilized post-resuscitation, 21.6% did not improve we need find out the reason and intervention how reasonable. Conclusions: Neonatal resuscitation and mortality are closely associated with RDS, infectious diseases. Two most effective interventions are optimizing prenatal care for pregnant women and improving neonatal life support and infection control very carefully for newborn care for all health care workers.



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